McKinley Park
has got the goods
Tai-chi in one corner
Yoga in another
Barbecue’s a-assemblin’
Cooler brigades from cars to grill
Around sweaty bodies running in circles
Though everyone is actually quite chill
Spandex, polyester, Quik-Dri Anti-Bac apparel
In rainbow swatches from pool to soccer field
Bordered by stately East Sac homes
Jostling one another for curb appeal
Love on the tennis court
Love in the rose garden
Love among the agèd oaks
fills the park with baby squirrels, hoppin’
Hey grandma, dance to the beat
Hey kid, get off the street
Hey cross-fitter, stop making us look weak
Hey jogger, pick up your feet
The sun may set, the sun may rise
The ducks may (will) poop, and babies may cry
Playgrounds may be reborn
Drifters’ faces stay broken, forlorn
In the loop of River City life,
you need a break from being plugged-in
Head to McKinley, that library of warm memories
Check it out,
or check back in.

Poetry: Ben Young Landis
Photography: Ben Young Landis